Keys: • BÖSENDORFER GRAND PIANO 200, manufactured 1991• Fender Rhodes Mark I (1978) completely overhauled 2014

• Clavia Nord Piano 88

Drums: • PEARL Masters Custom Maple (18×16 BD, 20×16 BD, 10×8 Tom, 12×9 Tom, 14×14 Floortom)• GRETSCH (18×14 BD, 12×8 Tom, 14×14 Floortom)

• Snare: Gretsch Vintage Snare WMP (Wood), Ludwig Snare (14×5) Metal, Pearl Snare M1440 14”x4”
7 straigth cymbal stands, 2 snare drum stand, 2 bass drum pedal, 2 hi hat stand, 2 adjustable stool

• Cymbels: Bosphorus :22” Black Master Ride, 20” Hammer Ride, 14” Master hihats

Percussion: • 2 Congas (LP 559X-RDW Classic Conga 11 3/4″)• 1 Tumba (LP 552X-RDW Classic Tumba 12,5″)

• Timbales (LP 257-S Timbales Tito Puente)

• Bongo (LP 201AX-2 Generation II Bongo)

• Conga Stand w Wheels (LP 636 Prof.), Bongo Stand (Meinl TMB), Percussion Table Stand (Meinl TMPTS), Cymbal Boom Stand (Tama HC73BWN)

Bass: • 7/8 Double Bass with 4 strings and Pick – up Realist Wood (selected by Ron Carter)• 3/4 Double Bass with 4 strings and Pick – up Realist Wood

• German Bow

Bass-Amplifier: Gallien Krueger 200MB (Combo), Gallien Krueger MB150E-112 (Combo), Gallien Krueger 410 Speaker Cabinet, Polytone IV, SWR WorkingPro 110 Combo Hartke Model HA 3500 + Hartke VX 410 Bassbox
Glockenklang Blue Sky Top, Glockenklang Acousitk 8-1 Speaker
Guitar-Amplifier: Polytone Mini-Brute IV, Fender Twin Reverb, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe, Fender Band Master Deluxe
Vibraphon: Musser M55
P.A.: • DYNACORD Mixer CS 600• Yamaha Power Amp (2×275 Watt )
Loudspeakers: 2x Bose 402
Floormonitor: 2x PA110 A (active biamped fullrange Box)
DI Speakers: 2x Nobels DI –S Direct Injections
Voltage Transformers: 2x Input: 230 V 50/60 HZ – mains connection / Output: 110 V 500 VA – US sockets
Music Stands: 14x
Microphones: • 1x Sennheiser 865 S• 1x Sennheiser 531 Black Fire

• 1x Shure 98 H / C

• 1x Shure Beta 58 A

Stage: The stage measures 4,5 m (4.92 yd) in length and 3 m (3.28 yd) in depth.
Location: Our location is a vault of 130 square metres (155.5 square yards) of size with excellent acoustics. Usually, shows are played purely acoustically. The grand piano too is amplified only in exception. There are microphones for vocals or soft instruments like flutes.

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